Trust. Collaboration. Transparency.

Lena Kozovski


Lena has worked extensively with senior executives, board members, and investors internationally, supporting their talent management needs across a broad spectrum of areas including Senior level strategic hiring, Board and C-Suite and recruitment, advisory services, executive assessment/succession and critical volume-based recruiting projects as well as Diversity and Inclusion projects.

Prior to establishing Element Search Partners, Ms. Kozovski held leadership roles for large global companies including CN Rail and TD Bank.  She launched her career in search 20 years ago and was most recently a Principal at a large global firm.

She holds a bachelor’s degree in human resource development from the Ryerson University in Toronto and has completed several certificates and courses aligned with her current role.

Ms. Kozovski serves as Advisor for Proudfoot, an Executive Committee member for Women in Mining, Toronto as well as a member of Women in Mining, UK. Lena is a proponent for diversity and inclusion within the industry and has aligned with several strategic partners to promote and advance females within the industry.



All our searches are handled with the utmost confidentiality and absolute transparency. We keep the lines of communication open so that you are aware of every stage of our search process. We provide our companies with a full report weekly so that you are kept aware of the status of the search. It is also part of our mandate that we do not communicate anything externally without the express written approval of your organization thus ensuring that we maintain the company branding and integrity.




Element Search Partners believes in both external and internal collaboration. Whilst every search is led by a Partner, we also engage our fully integrated internal search team.




Element Search Partners engages our clients right from the start of a search, we ensure that all of the stakeholders are engaged in the process and have a full understanding of what the mandate(s) are before proceeding into the search process.  Our weekly reporting structure provides you with an overview of each and every candidate that we have spoken with, our progression and our interactions thus providing you with a clear picture of the entire search process.